Animation Director - Art Director
01.10.2015 #inktober #inktober2015 #inktoberbetahaus 02.10.2015 #inktober #inktober2015 #inktoberbetahaus 05.10.2015 06.10.2015 08.10.2015
"Communicating underwater is challenging. Light and odors don’t travel well, but sound moves about four times faster in water than in air — which means marine mammals often use sounds to communicate. The most famous of these underwater vocalizations is...
View full lesson: Without water, a human can only survive for about 100 hours. But there's a creature so resilient that it can go without it for decades. This 1-millimeter...
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: Pods of killer whales inhabit the waters of every major ocean on Earth. Each family is...
Credits Design and Direction: Remi Cans Written by Aomawa Shields Sound Design & Music : Erwann Chandon Animation: Boniato Studio Voice Over: Aomawa Shields Production Year: 2016 for TED-Education ----------------------------------------------------------- The...
View full lesson: Each year in the United States, players of sports and recreational activities receive between 2.5 and 4 million concussions. How dangerous are all those...
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: The Arctic Ground Squirrel hibernates by burrowing under the permafrost and slipping...
In August 2019, the American foundation Beyond Conflict commissioned Boniato Studio to produce a video explaining their action. Hereunder is the result of several month of work with a talented team. Do you sometimes feel like the world around you is more...
Character Design pour Urban rivals Dianzi Dianzi - Evo 1 Dianzi - Evo 2 Dianzi - Evo 3 Dianzi - Evo 4
Character Design pour Urban rivals Alexandrea Evo 1 Evo 2 Evo 3 Evo 4
On 2011, i was hired to create the character design's graphic bible for a Cross média project called Netquest An original idea from Mathieu Mailhe et Julien Fournet, produite par Label Anim. This is a very little part of the roughs i drew : Noah - Le...
Character Design pour Urban rivals Michael Michael - Evo 1 Michael - Evo 2 Michael - Evo 3
The last wall-art I have done for Betahaus Barcelona to express the idea of networking which is taking place in a co-working ! Hereunder, the concept and the final result. #betahausBcn Monkey King, Networking, wall-art for Betahaus barcelona #betahausBcn,...
Character Design pour Urban rivals Uma Evo 1 Evo 2 Evo 3
Character Design pour Urban rivals Molder Molder - Evo 1 Molder - Evo 2 Molder - Evo 3
The very short animated documentary about Whales I directed recently is now online ! In the 60's, the commercial whale hunting caused the whale population to fall by an estimated 90% from what it used to be in the XIX century. The discovery of Roger Payne...
Une serveuse plutot mignone, un touriste américain, et des jazz men voila quelques recherches de character design.
Reproduction a l'huile d'une peinture de Aleksey Pisemsky par Ilya Répin. Pencil / Oil / 65 x 50 cm
Character Design pour Urban rivals Ganz
A part of my work as animation shortfilm director, from the last years. (FR) Un aperçu de mon travail comme réalisateur de film d'animation. (EN) An overview of my work as animation director. (ES) Un panorama de my trabajo como director de animación....
Cette année, j'ai eu l'occasion de diriger et réaliser mon deuxième court métrage. Ce dernier s'inscrit dans le cardre d'un concours lancé par TF1 . Pour en savoir plus : Ca vaut le coup de le visionner en HD. Pour...
Demo reel 2016 - Remi Cans Le petit nicolas (TV) (France) - M6 - Animator Swing Comedy (Short film) (France) - Director BesideLearning Teaser (Spain) - Director Testarudo (BLanimation) (Spain) - Director Ojo (BLanimation) (Spain) - Director UN-REDD /...
Story Board for a very Short film : Lemurian's painting at Cohl university
Character Design pour Urban rivals Samia
Character Design pour Urban rivals Wyre, Poseur de barbelé !